The Project

The Company: Strategy Foresight is a technology firm that develops and supplies a proprietary decision support system based on the unique architecture of morphological analysis.

The Client: strategy foresight Ltd.

The Brief: Relaunch the Brand, transfer the Brand values & USP into a memorable and accessible visual interactive communication concept

The Answer: Restructure the content to focus on the Brand Value and USP based on research and Q & A with the target group. Create a new concept for Digital and Print with a user centred approach. Appealing imagery showcase the multiple solutions for a problem. "The galaxy of endless possibilities" being scanned by the radar of insight. 
Easy maintenance and scalability with "Contao" CMS.

Concept, Consulting, Creative Direction, Project Management:  Gabriele Höhne
Technical Implementation: VISIOMAX GmbH & Co. KG | Jan Wezel
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