The Project
smart is a micro car owned by Daimler AG. "The ever-increasing cost of fuel and road tax have made choosing an economical vehicle increasingly important over recent years - smart car is the solution." (smart retail group)
smart key opportunities: agility, sustainability for example the electric cars are eco-friendly, green vehicles that embody efficiency and innovation. UPS: safety (tridion cell), agility ( in various aspects), eco-friendly (elecrtic, hybrid), 
The Brief: Relaunch of the online experience aligned with the Rebranding of smart automobile to reinvent the Brand and push Sales. Create a unique brand experience to engage the target group “lohas” (Lifestyles of Health and Sustainability) in consideration of the cooperative guidelines.
The Answer: Complete Redesign and Restructure of the online experience. Take a user centred approach and let the audience experience the car from inside out. Penetrate Brand Value and USP. Life a quality, green lifestyle in an urban environment with smart. Immerse the audience. Use dynamic interactive elements and moving images for interactive flow and enchance the brand character.

Tasks: Concept, Art Direction, Design, Flash Animation, Illustration (as Freelance Art Director)
Agency: BBDO, proximity. Team smart
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