The Project
Refluxkinder is a charity initiated by Carolin Scheffler in 2007. As a parent she knows only to well how stressful and exhausting it can be living with a child with reflux – not only for the parent for the parent also. The charity raises awareness, provides extensive knowledge as well as help. "Refluxkinder" connects partens with Doctors as well with other parents.
The Brief: Relaunch the Website information provided by print material. Raise awareness Engage partens as well as medical advisers. Give children a voice. Give help, advise and support for parents.
The Answer: Complete Redesign and Restructure of the online experience using a responsive web design approach. Develop a user focused side and provide easy accessible information. Address the emotions with applealing imagery. Take the child perpective and provide solutions. UX, UX, Illustration.
Tasks: Concept, Art Direction, Design, Illustration
Collaboration: VISIOMAX GmbH & Co. KG | Jan Wezel
Refluxkinder is a charity initiated by Carolin Scheffler in 2007. As a parent she knows only to well how stressful and exhausting it can be living with a child with reflux – not only for the parent for the parent also. The charity raises awareness, provides extensive knowledge as well as help. "Refluxkinder" connects partens with Doctors as well with other parents.
The Brief: Relaunch the Website information provided by print material. Raise awareness Engage partens as well as medical advisers. Give children a voice. Give help, advise and support for parents.
The Answer: Complete Redesign and Restructure of the online experience using a responsive web design approach. Develop a user focused side and provide easy accessible information. Address the emotions with applealing imagery. Take the child perpective and provide solutions. UX, UX, Illustration.
Tasks: Concept, Art Direction, Design, Illustration
Collaboration: VISIOMAX GmbH & Co. KG | Jan Wezel
